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rantai atom bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "rantai atom"
  • rantai:    bangle; catenary; chain; fetter; bracelet;
  • atom:    atom; speck; mote; corpuscle; molecule; atomic;
  • rantai:    bangle; catenary; chain; fetter; bracelet; chains; concatenation; bicycle chain; irons; sir ernst boris chain; wristlet; ernst boris chain; string; strand; transmission belt; transmission chain; che
  • atom:    atom; speck; mote; corpuscle; molecule; atomic; particle
  • bak rantai:    chain locker
  • baut rantai:    chain pin
  • besi rantai:    chain iron
  • blok rantai:    blockchain
  • cakera rantai:    bracket-wheel
  • elevator rantai:    chain elevator
  • gelang rantai:    bangle; bracelet; link
  • gergaji rantai:    chainsaw; chain saw; circular saw
  • gigi-rantai:    chain tooth
  • jembatan rantai:    chain bridge
  • kaidah rantai:    chain rule
  • If the electronegative atom is then joined to a chain of atoms, usually carbon, the positive charge is relayed to the other atoms in the chain.
    Jika atom elektronegatif kemudian digabungkan ke rantai atom, biasanya karbon, muatan positif diteruskan ke atom lain dalam rantai.
  • Lauric acid or systematically, dodecanoic acid, is a saturated fatty acid with a 12-carbon atom chain, thus falling into the medium chain fatty acids, is a white, powdery solid with a faint odor of bay oil or soap.
    Asam laurat atau sistematis, asam dodecanoic, adalah asam lemak jenuh dengan rantai atom 12 karbon, sehingga jatuh ke dalam asam lemak rantai menengah, adalah putih, bubuk padat dengan bau samar minyak atau sabun bayi.